Article 30 of the Japanese Patent Law makes exceptions to lack of novelty if and only in
case an application is filed within six months from the date on which novelty is lost due to the following reasons;
a) Conducting an experiment
b) Making an presentation in a printed publication
c) Making an presentation through electric telecommunication lines
d) Making an presentation in writing at a study meeting held by a scientific body
designated by the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office (JPO)
e) Exhibiting the invention at an exhibition held by the Government or by any local public
entity, or at one which is not held by the Government but is designated by the
Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, or at an international exhibition held in the
territory of a country party to the Paris Convention or of a Member of the WTO by its
government or a person authorized thereby
f) Coming to be publicly known against the will of the person having the right to obtain a
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